A spruce decorated alley and people walking under the christmas lights

Responsible tourism in Rauma

Sustainable Travel Finland -logo.

Rauma is home to two unique UNESCO World Heritage sites (Old Rauma and Sammallahdenmäki) and the Rauma archipelago is part of the Bothnian Sea National Park. These internationally recognised sites encourage us to act in accordance with the principles of sustainable tourism.

Rauma is rich in unique cultural heritage, including its own unique dialect, Raum giäl, the national living cultural heritage of lace-making, seafaring, crafts and art. We cherish, highlight and use these traditions in tourism marketing in a respectful way.

Rauma was among the first destinations in Finland to decide to join Visit Finland’s Sustainable Travel Finland programme. With this decision, we encourage our partners and tourism businesses to implement their own sustainable tourism path. For more information on joining the STF programme, please visit the Business Rauma website.

Local culture of Rauma

Old Rauma
Rauma archipelago
Rauman giäl
Vesibussi saaristossa.