Joining the Ends of the Lace
Joining the Ends of the Lace
The ends of the lace are joined so that the lace is still in the cushion and the bobbins are in place. The lace now has four corners. The knot used is Impi’s knot, the first stage of which is a reef knot. Check that the sides are the same length, i.e. there are six spider patterns on each side. The starting row of the lace is not continued. Before you start joining the lace, make sure that the lace is not twisted. You will need a needle to join the lace. The thread ends are only removed when the lace is detached from the cushion.
when the ends of the lace are connected on the pillow:
- needle spacing remains correct
- easier alignment of the threads being joined
- the shape of the lace is preserved
Joining the Ends of the Lace
The ends of the lace are joined, so that the ends are still attached to the pillow and the bobbins attached to the lace. Start joining the ends together from the right side. Make sure, that both pairs have a twist and an additional twist. Cut the left thread of the right pair into about a 20 cm long string, and thread the needle through it. Insert the needle through the first hole of the lace bundle from the bottom up. Leave the pair for later, remove the needle from the string. Cut the left thread of the left pair. Thread the needle through it. Insert the needle from the bottom up throug the same hole as you did the last string. Put a pin into the first hole of the bundle and place the pin into the mynsteri’s hole. Cut the other thread of the left pair. Make a reef knot next to the needle next to the pin, not around it, and tighten. Do the same with the second pair.
To join in all the spider’s legs, do the following. Make sure all the legs have four twists. Cut the left thread of the foot. Thread the needle through the string. Insert the needle into the pin hole of the bundle from the bottom up. Put a pin into the mynsteri’s hole. Cut the second thread. Make a reef knot. The knot is tightened in the direction of the threads coming from the lace.
To join the five pairs of the full stitch base, do the following. Make sure there is one twist on each pair coming from the full stitch base. Cut the left pair, thread the needle through, insert into the pin hole in the lace from the bottom up. Put a pin into the mynsteri’s hole. Cut the second thread. Make a reef knot and tighten.
Joining the last two pairs in the inner corner. Join the pair on the right first. Make sur ethere is one twist on the pair. Cut the thread on the left. Thread the needle through the string. Insert the needle through the hole in the lace from the bottom up. Cut the second string. Make a reef knot. Notice the direction while tightening. Join the last pair. Cut the left thread. Thread the needle through the string. Insert the needle into the beginning hole from the bottom up. Put a pin into the mynsteri’s hole. Cut the last string. Make sure the bair has a twist. Make a reef knot next to the pin, tighten. Remove all pins from the pillow one by one.