Management plan
The purpose of the management plan is to guide the protection, use and development of the World Heritage Site. It shows how the World Heritage Site’s Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) will be effectively conserved for present and future generations.

The Sammallahdenmäki Management Committee
The management commitee monitors the management plan. The Management Committee meets 1-2 times a year as required.
The Management Committee is made up of representatives of the following bodies:
Perinneyhdistys Keritys ry
The Finnish Heritage Agency
Satakunta museum
Rauma city
Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment
Metsänhoitoyhdistys Lounametsä ry
Land owners
The current management plan for Sammallahdenmäki was adopted in 2015 and a new management plan will be published in 2025. It has been prepared by the City of Rauma and the Management Commitee for a couple of years. Work started with open workshops during the autumn and winter of 2022-2023. An expert article on the site as an archaeological relic, based on current research, has also been commissioned for the management plan.

Management objectives 2015-2020:
To protect and preserve the site and its surroundings as far as possible in their original state.
Maintain and preserve the site and its natural environment in its present state.
The values and facts about the World Heritage Site will be communicated to all visitors and, through various information channels, to other interested parties.
Preservation of the value of forest properties.
Development of visitor management, i.e. controlled access to the site only along guided paths.
Development of visitor services.
Developing activities for schools.