Vossikka in Kalatori in 1982

”Kyl Raum o ain Raum”

The main functional centre of Rauma is the Market Square and
and the surrounding shopping streets.
Along these streets you will find a couple of hundred shops, charming restaurants, cafés and artists’ studios.
The area is home to three cultural and historical museums and the Rauma Art Museum. In addition to the Wooden Village, Old Rauma is also home to the stone Church of the Holy Cross, built in the late Middle Ages.
It is a former Franciscan monastery church with impressive medieval paintings on its shells.

Sepän emännän kaffetupa- cafe in Kitukränni and Kuninkaankatu intersection in Old Rauma in 1991
Picture: Outi-Kokkonen
A street in Old Rauma

Old Rauma was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1991. Old Rauma
is an architectural-historical complex whose authenticity is based on a well-preserved historic building stock, a street network partly dating back to the Middle Ages and a lively community where housing, business and work intertwine.

The houses of Old Rauma have gradually taken their present form as a result of building additions and alterations. The semi-detached house has been extended with chambers, porches
and rooms have been added to the courtyard. Some of the facades have preserved vertical plasterwork dating from the 1700s and some have retained the wide empire plasterwork of the 1820s and 1830s. Most of the buildings acquired their present neo-renaissance appearance in the 1890s, when Rauma’s sailing boom brought funds to the city.