UNESCO World Heritage Sites


In 1800 the land was owned by the poor patron Hinr. Lundberg. He was poor.

Modification drafts

There is an alteration drawing of the buildings of Wähä-Wuorla from 1889. At that time, the buildings on the plot formed an angle to the eastern and northern sides of the plot. At the end of Isomalminkatu was a semi-detached dwelling. The middle room was a kitchen with a baking oven. On either side of it were rooms, but one was slightly narrower than the other, so the rooms were probably of a different age. Before the alteration, the building continued with a narrower section, which apparently contained the outbuildings. The outbuilding wing on the northern boundary of the site contained a barn, stables and shed. The renovation made the entire east wing of the lot the same width as the two rooms that had been at the street end. The widened portion became a room and kitchen apartment and a dormitory. Interestingly, a sauna stove was added to the new kitchen fireplace. Plank fireplaces were built in front of both apartments. The building was given vertical planking and classicist-inspired window mouldings. The outbuilding was extended with a latrine.

In 1951, an outbuilding wing on the northern boundary of the property was demolished and a new cement-brick, pent-roofed outbuilding was built on the eastern corner of the northern part. A sauna, storage room and latrine were added.

In 1982, alterations were made to the residential building. The rooms were combined into one apartment, the porches were insulated and a bathroom was added. The kitchen was refitted and the second kitchen became a utility kitchen. The heating stoves were retained. A garage was added at the north end of the building. A new high gate was added to the house. In 1999, the house was again undergoing alterations. The utility kitchen was moved to one of the porches and the utility kitchen from the previous plan became a hallway. The cold carport was to be replaced by a warm room. A utility room was planned above it and the adjacent room.

Current situation

Residential building
Long-cornered residential building, pantile lining, saddle roof. Appearance according to the 1889 plan.

Limestone and sandstone brick exterior from 1951

Gate and fence
Made using an old design.