Wähä-Simula and Ollila

A empty property, used as a parking lot.
Vähä-Simula was owned in 1800 by the patron Fredrik Brandt and Leena Levander, the widow of the patron of Ollila. She also owned 10 kapanas of arable land.
Modification drafts
The oldest modification drawing dates back to 1885. It is by John Fredr. Lindegren. Before the alteration, the plot was occupied by a semi-detached building with a room and a hall, with a hallway between them and a small anteroom in the middle. The building was in a state of disrepair and was now to be raised to a stone foundation and elevated with a hinge and partly with a board so that the eaves height would increase from 9.5 feet to about 16 feet. The rooms will be altered so that the dwelling becomes a hall, the hall and pantry will be combined to form a kitchen, and a board porch will be added to the front of the building. In addition, a new residential wing will be built along the street of Vähäraastuvankatu. It will have two large rooms and one smaller room, a kitchen and a hallway, with a porch in front. The extension will be a semi-detached house. The outbuilding will also be renovated and extended. In addition to the log barn, the building will have a small stable, a dormitory and a latrine. The buildings are to be clad in horizontal boarding. The windows will be six-paned with classical panelling.
The next alteration drawing is from 1891 and is by John Fredr. Lindegren. Now combined lots 117 and 123, had a residential building along Eteläpitkäkatu, and one outbuilding along Vähäraastuvankatu and another on the western boundary of the lot. The residential building along Vanhankirkonkatu has been completely removed. The residential building was extended with two kitchens on the courtyard side. The building had previously had two entrances with strong porches. Now the entrances were made in the extension. Both outbuildings were extended and the outbuilding on the western boundary was moved slightly away from the boundary. The outbuilding facing the street had previously been a single log dormitory. After the change there were three. The second outbuilding after the change had a barn, stables, latrine, two log cabins and a coach house. Of these, the barn was inherited from the outbuilding on plot 113. The façade of the dwelling house is vertically boarded. The windows are mullioned and have classical mouldings. The details of the pilasters have neo-renaissance features. The exterior buildings are also vertically planked.
In the 1911 modification drawing by Arvi Leikari, the residential building is extended from Vähäraastuvankatu with a room and kitchen wing. At the same time, the building on the Vähäraastuvankatu side will be demolished. The building to be extended will also have two apartments with kitchens on the courtyard side. One of them has a baking oven. The façades of the residential building will have a neo-renaissance style. The renovation will involve extending the outbuilding on the western boundary of the site so that its end extends to Vanhankirkonkatu. There will be an attic window at the end and a false window on the ground floor. Art Nouveau-style mouldings have been drawn on both. In 1911 it is proposed to open the shop door to the side of the building on Southpitka Street. A second shop door is added in 1914.
In 1932, a drainage system is built on the plot owned by Oskar Sahanen, which connects to the sewer from Vanhankirkonkatu to the canal. In 1937, a small kiosk was built on the corner of Vanhankirkonkatu and Vähäraastuvankatu, and in 1956 a garage was added to the outbuilding on the property owned by Sigurd Sahanen.
Current situation
The buildings on the site were demolished in the 1960s.