UNESCO World Heritage Sites


In 1800, the house was owned by clockmaker Anders Öman and castless Maija Toilander. Öhman was poor.

Modification drafts

There is an alteration drawing of the buildings on the plot from 1909 by Arvi Leikari. Significant changes were made to the buildings on the plot. In the corner building between Itäkatu and the park, an extension with two kitchens and two new entrances was built on the courtyard side of the building, replacing the former porch, and a new porch with two entrances was added to the corner of the building. The construction of the new, deeper outbuilding meant that the residential building had to be slightly shortened. The demolished part had been a bakery. the building had five separate apartments after the alteration, one with a room and kitchen, one with two rooms and a kitchen, and one with only two rooms. The fireplaces in all the rooms were moved to the gable end of the house.

The second residential building was connected to the old street-side building by a link to the other building on the courtyard side. It is likely that the building was moved slightly or part of it was demolished at one end. The toilet at the end of the courtyard building was also demolished. Three kitchens were added to the residential building, one of which had a baking oven. There were three entrances. One apartment had two rooms and a kitchen, but the two apartments were connected by an intermediate door. In addition to the large baking oven and the small kitchen, there were two living rooms. The fireplaces in this building had also been moved to the gable end.

There had been an outbuilding at the back of the courtyard, but now it was the full width of the plot. The building contained toilets and wooden sheds. A couple of log rooms may have served as cattle sheds. The facades were rendered in Art Nouveau style with sparse details. The gate was in the same style.

In 1997, the restoration of the buildings began. Five apartments of various sizes were added to the residential buildings and one to the outbuilding.

Current situation

Residential building facing the park
Short-cornered residential building, later south wing, narrow horizontal boarding on the street façade, wide ribbed boarding on the courtyard façade, saddle roof, alteration drawing from 1909 (Arvi Leikari), Art Nouveau decorations from this period.

Residential building along the street
Short-cornered residential building, neo-renaissance lining, Art Nouveau decorations on windows, saddle roof, modified drawing from 1909 (Arvi Leikari).

Exterior building
Exterior building with horizontal boarding.