UNESCO World Heritage Sites


In 1800 the plot belonged to carpenter Matti Malmsten. He also owned the neighbouring plot, Vähä-Suutari. He also had a small field, a barn and a boathouse.

Modification drafts

The modification drawing of the Sorka-Sipi house dates from 1910 and was drawn by Leonard Ahti. The drawing shows that there was a building with three log rooms and a small side room along Länsikatu. Two of the rooms were narrower and one wider. This was an outbuilding, as there is no sign of fireplaces. On the courtyard side, on the northern boundary of the site, there was a semi-detached dwelling with a kitchen with a baking oven and two large rooms on either side, and an end chamber at the western end. There was a porch in front of the kitchen and another porch facing the end chamber. The alteration involved replacing the street-side outbuilding with a new dwelling, the position of which was adjusted to match the street line. Three rooms were added to the street-side section, probably using logs from the former outbuilding. A further extension with two small kitchens was built on the courtyard side, and a small kitchen between the new part and the old house. There were two entrances and another entrance at the end of the building. In the courtyard wing, a small extension was made to the baking oven, dividing the room into two kitchens, one of which retained the baking oven. The tiled ovens in the large living rooms are to be moved from the outer wall to the gable end of the building. There would also be three entrances to the side.

After the change, the building would have five apartments with a room and kitchen, and one room that could be rented separately or used as a second room in one of the apartments. The dwelling would have horizontal planking, four-pane windows and discreet Art Nouveau-inspired mouldings. The fence and high gate would be made to match the façade. The renovation would also include the rebuilding of the outbuilding on the eastern boundary of the site. The building had previously comprised two log rooms of different widths. New storage rooms and a latrine were added to the barn and the dormitory. In 1939 the dwellings on the street side were joined and a toilet was added to the dwelling. Vuonna 1954 Sorka-Sipin tilat muutettiin ortodoksista rukoushuonetta palveleviksi. Pihasiiven tilat yhdistettiin rukoushuoneen saliksi. Kadun puolelle tuli tiistaikerhon huone ja yksi asunto. Vuonna 1991 katusivulle tuli vanhaan tyyliin tehty portti, josta käy ilmi, että rakennuksessa toimii ortodoksinen rukoushuone. Rukoushuone sai myös kellot rakennuksen pihapäätyyn tehtävään katokseen.

Current situation

Residential building
A short-cornered residential and parish building, with horizontal timbering, saddle roof. Exterior design by Leonard Ahti c.1910. Converted to serve as an Orthodox prayer room.

Exterior building with horizontal timbering

The gate of the Orthodox prayer room from the 1980s (Jukka Koivula).