UNESCO World Heritage Sites


In 1800, Ojala belonged to the bourgeois dowager Liisa Randén. She also had a field and a food shed. Johan Pihlman, an impoverished former bourgeois, also lived on the plot.

Modification drafts

From 1892 there is a document concerning the plot by John. Fredr. Lindegren, which would have involved the erection of a rather tall and wide residential building and a new outbuilding on the site. However, the plan was not carried out and a year later the same designer drew up a new plan for alterations to the buildings on the site. It shows that, along the river, there is a residential building and, on the western and southern boundaries of the plot, a building with both residential and outbuilding facilities. The residential building is a semi-detached building with a hallway, entrance hall, hall and room, and a single end chamber behind the room. Now the order of the rooms was to be changed. The room with its baking oven was to be converted into a hall and pantry, and a partition wall was demolished. At the same time, the fireplaces in all the rooms were replaced. They were still placed in the outer corners of the rooms, this time on the side facing the courtyard, whereas the previous time they had been on the side facing the river. On the courtyard side of the building there were two plank chimneys, one leading to the sheath and the adjoining living room, the other to the main chamber. On the outer row of buildings, the end facing Kiviniemenkatu had one living room and an adjoining hallway. Next to it were a dormitory, a privy, a barn, a shed and a stable. The temporary board shed, which had stood on the wall of the barn, was now to be demolished. The residential building on the river bank and the residential part of the outbuilding row were given a single lining of planking. It is in fact similar to the three-tiered, sparsely decorated neo-renaissance suit already shown in the previous design, with profiled straight mouldings framing the four-square windows. The exterior of the building is vertically boarded.

In 1898, Arvi Forsman drew up a plan to build a small kitchen by the street, next to the main room. A small kitchen and an entrance were added to the annex.

In the 1980s, several parts of the Ojala buildings were renovated. Both apartments in the riverfront building were equipped with modern washrooms and kitchens. A sauna was added to the outbuilding.

Current situation

Building on the river:
Residential building with long corners, vertical boarded, hipped roof. The exterior follows plans from 1892 and 1893 (John F. Lindegren).

Building on the south and west boundary of the property:
Elongated residential and outbuilding, vertical boarded, hipped roof.
The exterior design follows the 1892 and 1893 plans.