Isoraastuvankatu 6
Property code: 001-133-120

In 1800 the plot was owned by the bourgeois Matti Svahl, who also owned a field, a meadow, a granary, a barn and a part of a barn.
Modification drafts
The oldest surviving modification drawing dates from 1900 and was made by Arvi Forsman. Before the alteration, there was a residential building along Vanhankirkonkatu, another separate building along Isoraastuvankatu and an outbuilding on the eastern side of the plot. Now, a wing is to be built on Isoraastuvankatu and the separate building is to be demolished. The new wing will have two rooms on the street side and a kitchen and two entrances on the courtyard side. The kitchen will be moved from the street side to the courtyard side of the previously built wing. In the old part of the building there are two two-room apartments with a kitchen. The facades of the building are presented in a discreet neo-renaissance style. The cladding is tripartite and the T-shaped windows have two different types of mouldings, with the central windows on each façade having more ornate frames than the outer ones. There is also another drawing from 1900 which shows a door opening into the corner of the building for a leather shop. The commercial building also had tall tripartite display windows.
In 1902, the building was extended at the south end with a baking room, a chamber and a hallway, which formed a separate apartment. The exterior was completely rebuilt. The old outbuilding had also had an outhouse, but the new one only had a cattle shed, storage rooms and a high latrine. The old latrine had been a low building on the side of the outhouse. The drawings now show the window panelling in a slightly more decorative form than in the drawing a few years earlier by the same designer. The plan also includes a gateway, with a drive gate formed by a grille at the top and a smaller access gate next to it.
In 1952, the bakehouse was converted into a commercial building. In addition to a street door, a display window was added.
In 1994, a new porch was added to the side of the courtyard with a separate toilet and shower room. At the same time, the kitchen was modernised.
Current situation
Residential twin building
short-cornered residential and commercial building, west wing dating from 1902, windows in the corner room from 1900. The Neo-Renaissance lining follows Arvi Leikari’s 1902 design.
Exterior building
exterior building made of board
Wooden gate of 1950s type.