UNESCO World Heritage Sites


In 1800 the plot belonged to the patron Henr. Lindman. He also had a small field and meadow.

Modification drafts

The house was altered according to a plan made by Arvi Forsman in 1898. The residential building was slightly extended from the roof side. A new entrance was made on the courtyard side, with an adjoining porch. The building was given a neo-renaissance lining and a gate. The fireplaces were also replaced. After the alteration, the angled building had three rooms on the roof side and four rooms on the courtyard side. The chamber closest to the gate was a separate apartment with its own entrance. The other two rooms on the roof side and the kitchen on the courtyard side formed a separate apartment. In addition, there was an apartment with a kitchen and two chambers in the courtyard wing. Its small kitchen had no window directly to the outside, but the room was lit through a porch. This kitchen had a small stove while the larger kitchen had a baking oven.

The exterior was conventional, partly log, partly timber-framed. The toilet was a separate small building near the outbuilding. There was a fenced enclosure near the latrine.

In 1906, a shop door was opened on the roof. At the same time, the toilet was replaced with a concrete base. In 1921, the two rooms on the south end of the roof were combined into a single commercial building, and display windows were opened into the commercial building.

In 1960, changes were again made. There was a grocery shop along the street, with a milk and bread shop in one room and a general store in the other. Tighter regulations meant that the shop needed a washroom, staff changing rooms and more storage space. This could not be accommodated within the old building frame, so a new one was built on the courtyard side, about 3.5 m wide and with a wing. A small toilet was also added to the shop and a sink and water point were added to the kitchen in both apartments. One flat had two rooms and a kitchen, the other a room and a kitchen. Both the flats and the shop remained wood-fired. A small hot water heater was marked on the washstand in the store’s storage room, but elsewhere cold water was sufficient.

Current situation

Residential building
Residential and semi-detached building with long corners, neo-renaissance construction 1898 (Arvi Forsman), shop windows, hipped roof. The first shop windows were opened in 1921 for H. Hjulman’s shop. The present shop window was built in 1960 at the same time as the wing on the courtyard side, with the addition of ancillary facilities required by the new regulations of the time. At the same time, the façade was trimmed back.

Outdoor building
A boarded-up outbuilding.