UNESCO World Heritage Sites


In 1756, Käkelä belonged to the owner Posell. In 1800 the owner was the bourgeois Ephraim Reilander. He also owned two barrels of arable land, a meadow, a food shed, a tool shed, a reef, a barn, a shore shed, a loading dock, and a share in a boathouse and a barn.

Modification drafts

In 1939, permission was sought from the land registry to erect a new gate. The gate was the height of the fence of the plot and was closed. In 1955, six metres of the outbuilding were demolished and a garage was built on the end of the remaining building. In 1956, a sauna was added to the outbuilding. In 1959, a second garage was added.

In 1971, changes were made to the residential building. A bathroom was fitted into the hallway of the two rooms and kitchen apartment downstairs. The window in the central living room, on the courtyard side, was changed from a six-sash to a wider nine-sash. The bedroom still had a heating oven and the kitchen a stove, but the living room had an oil stove.

Current situation

Two-storey residential building
Long-cornered residential building from the 1700s, original pantile lining, hipped roof

Single-storey residential building
Elongated, built later than the previous one and attached to it, with a roof lining

Outdoor building
Long-cornered outbuilding, later horizontal planking.