Eteläpitkäkatu 2
Property code: 001-130-97

According to the 1756 status map, the house was owned by the widow of Forss. In 1800 the owner was the patron Joh. Standström, who also owned a small field and a barn.
Modification drafts
A modification drawing of the buildings from 1886 has been preserved. The residential building formed a corner at the corner of Eteläpitkäkatu and Kainunkatu. The outer row of buildings was built alongside it, on the southern side of the plot. The residential building had several sections of different widths, so it was obviously built in several parts. On the South Long Street side there was a large room in the middle and on the other side, at the end of the building, a small chamber and next to it, on the Kainunkatu side, a chamber-wide kitchen. Next to the kitchen was a wider chamber and a baking room. On the south side, a separate chamber was located in the western corner of the lot, and a gateway was located between the two parts of the building. Now they wanted to build a new room on the Kainunkatu side, as an extension of the baking house, and a barn shed between it and the outbuilding. A long plank barn was to be built in the courtyard of the building on Kainunkatu. The room at the end of the gate was connected to the porch from the old days. The gabled building was covered with a single tiled roof. The drawing shows the Kainunkatu side of the façade as vertical boarding and the attic floor as smooth horizontal boarding. The window sashes were classical and the windows were hexagonal.
The outbuilding row contained a shed, a stable and two barns. One of the barns was to be converted into a stable and the stable into a dung heap. The outbuilding, which was now built together with the dwelling house, was lower than the dwelling house.
In 1949, the facades of the building were modified. The windows were double-glazed and the panelling was single-paned. A garage was built at the south end of the building, on the site of the former barn and barn hall. Under the dwelling house, rooms for a sauna and a boiler room were excavated. A bathroom and a modern kitchen were added to the dwelling. The furnaces were dismantled and the partition walls were repositioned.
In 1976, the kitchen was moved again and a fireplace was planned for the room where the kitchen used to be. The windows of the building were to be changed back to six-paned. The vertical boarding of the walls was retained. In 1980 it was decided to build a baking oven in the kitchen and heating ovens in all the rooms. It was decided to restore the horizontal panelling on the south side of the building and the decorative attic window on the Kainunkatu end. These plans were realised.
Current situation
Residential building
Long corner gabled dwelling, gateway, saddle roof. Altered in 1949 to reflect the stylistic aspirations of the time, but restored in the 1980s to the appearance of the 1886 alteration drawing.
Outdoor building
Vertical boarded exterior building
Transportable gate