UNESCO World Heritage Sites


In 1756, the Joki-Päivänen plot was owned by a burgher named Berglund. In 1800, plot 248 belonged to the Polttimo partners. The plot was then called Grann.

Modification drawings

There is an alteration drawing of the buildings on the plot dating from 1888. It was drawn by John F. Lindegren. There is a residential building on the plot along Vähäkoulukatu, with a wing facing Koulukatu. On the side facing Vähäkoulukatu, the building has a narrower exterior. There is also an outbuilding in the courtyard, with two dormitories and two wooden sheds. It was decided to extend both buildings and to convert the outbuilding, which is connected to the residential wing, into living quarters. The extension was built on the narrower side of the building, facing the courtyard, and included a pantry, a hall and a baking room with an oven and a sauna stove. A light partition separated the sauna from the living room. The rooms were converted into living quarters, with three chambers, a kitchen and a hallway. The floor became a natural double room. Another new kitchen was to be built on the side of the old part of the house, next to the porch, but this project was abandoned. Instead, a cooking facility was built into the fireplace of this part of the building, the second large room. Behind the hallway was a small pantry. There was also a tiled stove in the hallway. At the Koulukatu end was the end chamber. The building had access to all rooms through internal doors, so the use and layout of the apartments could vary according to circumstances. The building had a tripartite façade, with lattice windows and classical-style framing. A privy, a barn and a stable were added to the extension of the courtyard building. In 1893 fireplace alterations were made and in 1898 one new entrance was added. In 1903, the fireplace was again in need of alterations. In addition, one window was to be removed.

In 1958, changes were made to the eastern part of the residential building, i.e. the extended part. The bakehouse was converted into an oven by demolishing space for both the kitchen and the toilet. The apartment also included one large room. The second apartment also had a large kitchen and a large room by demolishing the wall between the two small rooms. At the same time, the stoves in both rooms were also demolished, but a new, larger heating stove was installed in the apartment.

In 1992, repairs and alterations were made to the west end of the residential building. The former kitchen was sacrificed for a sauna and washrooms. The kitchen was relocated and modernised. A second toilet was also built. The door positions were moved and double doors were opened between the two rooms. One of the rooms in this apartment was left to be connected to the apartment at the eastern end of the building. The following year, the east end apartment was renovated. A sauna and new washrooms were added. The kitchen was modernised and some doors were relocated.

Current situation

Residential building
Short-cornered residential building, street facade with neo-renaissance lining of 1888 (John F. Lindegren), original vertical planking on courtyard facade, saddle roof

Outdoor building
Short-cornered outbuilding, vertically boarded

A gate rebuilt to the old style.