Eteläpitkäkatu 32
Property code: 001-135-96

The house belonged in 1800 to the churchwarden Dan. Nåhlström. He also had some fields and meadows.
Fire insurance
The house was insured against fire in 1859. The house was owned at that time by the bourgeois E. G. Sahlstén. The main building on South Long Street was built in 1856. It was unplanked and unpainted. There were three windows with spruce frames and three attic windows. The roof was made of German tiles. The rooms were a hall, and a pantry and hallway. The tiled stoves in the rooms were green-tiled, and the other was similar but round. All three intermediate doors were semi-transparent mirrored doors; the entrance door was a double door, a double board door. The second dwelling, with a baker’s shop, was also erected in 1859. The building was located on the western side of the plot, built at an angle to the main building. It was an unplanked and unpainted, brick-roofed building with a single window. The gate of the house was also insured. A small barn building on the northern boundary of the plot, containing only the barn and the front porch, was left uninsured.
In 1907, an extension to the main building of the house owned by the labourer Isak Lönnroth was in progress, for which additional insurance had been taken out.
Modification drafts
The oldest drawing is undated, but obviously early. It was drawn by J. S. Hafverman, and is similar in style to a shipbuilding drawing. The drawing is of a residential building with two heated rooms and a hallway at the end, the width of the building frame. All the rooms are in a row. One of the ovens is drawn square, the other rounded. There are two hexagonal windows on the roof side. The tiled roof is gridded in the drawing. This is a street-side building built in 1856.
The following drawing dates from 1893 and concerns the outbuilding on the plot, which is located on the eastern boundary of the plot, facing Eteläpitkäkatu. The building contains a barn, stables, a pair of dormitories, a latrine and a board shed.
A modification drawing signed by Arvi Tuomokoski dates from 1906. The part of the building facing Eteläpitkäkatu is extended and a porch is built at the corner between the street-side building and the courtyard wing. After the extension, the building will have two apartments: one with three rooms and a baking room, the other with two small rooms and a small kitchen. The old outbuilding will have to be demolished to make way for the extension of the dwelling and a new outbuilding will be built at the back of the courtyard, comprising a two-part cattle shed, a latrine and a shed. The building will have a neo-renaissance lining and a gate. In 1908, the large kitchen is divided into two smaller rooms. There will be three apartments. In 1928, another chamber is converted into a kitchen and there are four apartments.
In 1983, the premises are combined into a single apartment of 126 m2.
Current situation
Residential building
Long-cornered dwelling dating from 1856, pantile lining, later courtyard wing, hipped roof. Exterior design from 1906 (Arvi Tuomikoski, formerly Forsman and later Leikari)
Outdoor building
Holiday boarded outbuilding
Made to match the old model on site.