Kiviniemenkatu 6, Posellinkatu 2
Property code: 001-52-1
Old plot number: 210

In 1756 Kuuri belonged to the postmaster Sonck. The second plot 210 belonged to the guard Hinr. Stenlund and the guard’s widow Stina Selenius. Both were poor. Stenlund had a small field and a barn.
Modification drafts
There is a modification drawing from 1900 for the façade of the residential part of the building along Kiviniemenkatu and for the alterations to the residential and outbuilding premises on the eastern boundary of the plot. The street façade of the residential wing would have a tripartite neo-renaissance façade. The four-light windows would be surrounded by a moulding with a lily motif in a fretworked upper board. The same form and theme is repeated in the upper doorway. The spaces in the east wing would be rearranged to create two small apartments. One would comprise a baking room, the other a kitchen and a pantry. The same row would include a toilet. The courtyard row is vertically boarded with simple moulding around the windows.
In 1981, a new extension was built to the outbuilding to house a laundry room and a heat distribution room. The laundry room was shared by the residents of Kuur and Iso-Kuur. In 1985, the building on Kiviniemenkatu and the adjacent wing buildings were renovated. The building was converted into small city rental apartments, equipped with modern kitchen and washroom facilities. Washing facilities were provided, including new porches, which were thermally insulated. Part of the wing building remained as an outbuilding. A high gateway was built on the roof side.
Current situation
Residential building
Long-cornered residential building, neo-renaissance lining from 1900 ( Arvi Forsman ), saddle roof
Outdoor building
Longitudinal exterior building, later vertical planking
New old-style gate from the 1980s.