UNESCO World Heritage Sites


In 1756, Hannu’s plot belonged to Bång. Near plot 187 there was a western customs house in 1800. The plot belonged to the customs caretaker Matti Bjung, as did the small barn buildings on it. The customs caretaker was mentioned as being poor. The name Lansi was also mentioned for plot 187. The plot belonged to the former customs caretaker Michel Forsman. He had more than a barrel of arable land, a meadow, a food shed, a drying barn, a barn and a shore shed. Plot 188 belonged to Johanna Frändén, bourgeois meadow. She had a rich barrel acreage of arable land, in addition to quite a lot of meadow, a drying barn and shed, and a food shed.

Modification drafts

In 1885, there was a residential building facing the current Kauppakatu and another outbuilding facing the current Anundilankatu, as well as an outbuilding along the northern boundary of the plot and a square one-room baker’s shop. The gate was on the Anundilankatu side. The layout plan also shows that the later cinema site was not part of this or the adjacent plots. Nor did the plot of the neighbouring house Hannu extend as far as the plots facing Kuninkaankatu. In 1893 the site was a potato field. The 1887 plan of the neighbouring plot Kuuri, which is part of the amendment drawing, mentions that there was a field in between.

The residential building on the side facing the shopping street was a semi-detached house with one end chamber. There were two apartments, one with two large rooms and a small chamber and hallway. The other was the main chamber alone. Both dwellings were accessed via their own porches. The corner room of the larger apartment was very bright. It had windows overlooking Kauppakatu, Anundilankatu and the courtyard. The outbuilding on Anundilankatu had two dormitories, a cellar, an adjoining hall and a sauna with a small window overlooking Anundilankatu. There was also a small board shed and plans for more sheds to extend the building. The baking house in the courtyard served all cooking needs, with not only a baking oven, but also the only fireplace suitable for cooking. The lower part of the dwelling was lined with wide horizontal boarding, the attic with smooth boarding. The windows were six-paned with classical panelling. Above each roof window was a two-light attic window.

From 1893, John Fredr. Lindegren. It shows a latrine at the end of the outbuilding and a loggia at the side of the yard. A porch was added to the street-side building. The building on Anundilankatu, which had previously housed a chamber, a sauna and a hall, as well as two dormitories and a log cabin, was the most changed. The building was now converted into a residential building, with a kitchen and hall, and one room on one side and two rooms on the other. The building had a neo-renaissance lining, with the wall surface divided into three parts. The four-paned windows were panelled with straight mouldings and dentils.

In 1899, an extension to the bakehouse was built according to Otto F. Holm’s plans, which slightly reduced the size of the bakehouse, but added two separate rooms. A small problem was the well on the site, which was partly hidden under the new chamber and its porch, but the drawing shows how the well could be used in spite of everything.

In 1900, an outbuilding was built on the site of the later cinema. At this stage, the building site was clearly linked to this plot. The outbuilding included a stable, a barn with latrines and two storerooms of board construction. The end of Anundilankatu was drawn as a handsome neo-renaissance end of a residential building. It had two false windows, an attic window and horse heads as end decorations. The drawing is by Arvi Forsman. He may have been inspired by the new buildings of the seminary.

The residential building on Kauppakatu was extended in 1902. The wing facing Anundilankatu replaced the building that had previously stood on the site. Apartments were added to the wing. There were rooms on the roof side and kitchens and entrances on the courtyard side. The whole building was given a neo-renaissance façade in 1902. The plans were drawn up by Arvi Forsman. In fact, the framing of the window was similar to that originally designed for the end of the outbuilding a few years earlier. There was a commercial door in the corner of the building and a couple of other doors on either side, but no display windows. In 1905, the first display windows were made, they were tall and wide, two-part, and connected to the corner room. At the same time, a neo-renaissance gateway was added to the property. An extension to the courtyard side of the Kuninkaankatu wing was added in 1924.

In 1908, a small stone chapel was built on the side of the small bakery and residential building in the courtyard, which was described as a machine room for a cinema. The plan was drawn up by Onni von Zansen. It is not known whether the plan was carried out, because in 1917, when the brickwork was being added to the bakery, there was no trace of the brick building on the drawing.

The cinema was built in 1916, with a loft at the back and an orchestra pit at the front for silent film accompanists. The building also housed a business office and a café on the second floor. The façade of the stone building was simple and Art Nouveau-inspired. The plans for the cinema were drawn up by architect J. A. Niemi. Over time, the café was converted into an apartment, and in 1931 an additional room was added to the attic floor of the building.

The cinema building was destroyed during the Winter War. A new one was soon built on the same site according to the drawings dated 4 September 1940 by Jaakko Tähtinen.

In 1953, a bathroom was built in one of the residential apartments in the building on Anundilankatu. In 1957, a plan was drawn up to convert the commercial premises on the side of Kauppakatu and part of the commercial premises on the side of Anundilankatu into two-storey buildings by means of a loft conversion. The shop windows were made two storeys high and the ground floor of the commercial premises was lowered to street level. There were six shops at the time: a barbershop, a travel agency called Area, a chemist’s shop, a photographic shop and a fabric and clothing shop. In 1971, the rest of the building was converted into commercial premises. All the partition walls of the apartment still standing on the Anundila side were removed and the floor was lowered to street level. All the premises were combined into one large shop space. The shop was also fitted with a loft solution similar to the one previously implemented on the Kuninkaankatu side. A small barber’s shop remained separate at street level. The space above it was connected to the loft floor of the second shop. The last five T-shaped windows on the roof were removed and the original façade layout was changed: a high stone base, two-part mouldings separated by mouldings, with vertical and horizontal mouldings on the lower and upper parts respectively.

In 1980, the commercial building was finally divided into two floors.

Current situation

Commercial building
Short-cornered residential building from the late 19th century, commercial premises, neo-renaissance lining, saddle roof, display windows. Originally a single-storey building, it had been converted into a two-storey building during a process of alteration that began in 1957 (Kaino Kari).

Movie theatre
The shattered stone cinema from 1940 (Jaakko Tähtinen), when it was rebuilt to replace the Titania cinema, destroyed by bombing during the Winter War.