UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Modification drafts

There is a modification drawing of the buildings on the plot dating from 1890. It is by John Fredr. Lindegren. There is a residential building on the Talliketo side of the plot in the same row as the buildings on the neighbouring plots. However, the plot includes a garden area on the Talliketo side. On an angle to the residential building, on the western side of the plot, there is a baker’s shed and on the southern boundary of the plot, a row of outbuildings with a barn, latrine, woodshed and shed for sleeping. The dwelling is semi-detached, with an entrance hall and a porch, with large rooms on either side. At the other end is another large room with a door to the rear. Next to the stern room in the wing section is another small chamber.

The residential building facing Talliketo has vertical planking. The planking in the attic is from there. The double-hung windows are framed with mouldings. There is a pentroof on the courtyard side. The exterior of the building is vertically boarded.

The plan for the outbuilding on the site is estimated to be roughly contemporaneous. The site is on the southern boundary of the property, but it is not a long outbuilding wing, but a small outbuilding with a toilet and a small shed.

In 1928, a brick outbuilding was built on the site according to the design of H. L. Kemppainen, replacing the former small wooden one. The brick building had a washroom and storage rooms on the basement floor and a toilet and storage rooms on the second floor.

In 1957, changes were made to the building on the site. The small entrance hall of the apartment was converted into a bathroom. Some of the heating stoves in the rooms were demolished, but a fireplace was built in one room. The kitchen no longer has a baking oven, but the wood stove was allowed to stay. It was replaced by an electric stove. The courtyard wing chamber is a separate dwelling with its own entrance. It also remained as such. On the south side of the courtyard is a brick outbuilding that became a boiler room in the basement. In 1973, the outbuilding was converted into a latrine and the storage room into a sauna. One more shed remained in the building. A heating plant was installed in the basement.

In 1980, the washrooms and kitchen were renovated and the utility room was equipped. A sleeping loft was built in the attic.

Current situation

Residential building
Long-cornered residential building, hipped roof, pantile lining. The exterior follows the 1890 modification drawing by John F. Lindegren, although the fenestration and trim of the windows are not quite the same. The drawing shows the windows as double-hung and the planking as apparently flat vertical planking.

Outdoor building
Brick exterior building, plastered.