Kuninkaankatu 46
Property code: 001-159-59

Frank’s house appeared on the 1756 land map as Iso Heikkala, but the owner’s name was Franck. In 1800, the plot belonged to the rope maker Matti Nylund. The house was also occupied by the hatter Carl Hagblom. Both were poor.
Fire insurance
The fire insurance was taken out in 1848 by Matts Hällström, a master rope maker. There were five buildings on the plot, of which the main building was in the southern part of the plot. It was flanked by a building on the eastern side of the plot. There was one building on the western boundary of the plot and two connected buildings along the Raumanjoki river.
The main building was built in 1821, without boards and without paint. The roof was made of boards. The rooms were a entrance hall, a hall and two chambers. There were four six-paned windows and two half-paned windows. The entrance hall had a double plank door and a double door. There were three intermediate doors and they were half-transomed. Two of the rooms had paper wallpaper. There were one square and one round brown-tiled stove and one brick tiled stove. There were two chimneys. The wing building, which was built in 1847, was joined to the main building. It was unplanked and unpainted. The rooms consisted of a hall, a chamber and a kitchen. The roof was of boarded construction. There were two windows and two intermediate doors, which were half-transomed. The fireplaces were a kitchen stove and a brick tiled stove. The exterior staircase of the building was also insured.
The building on the western boundary of the property was old, in fair condition, unplanked and unpainted. It contained a hall, a bakery, a dormitory, a stable and a barn. It had two windows, one cupboard, one mirrored door and four simple board doors.
One of the outbuildings along the river was made of log in 1842 and had one room. The other is a wooden lodge with a boarded ceiling. A double plank gate was also insured on the property.
In the summer of 1852, the house suffered a fire. The outbuildings along the river burnt down completely. The roof of the barn on the western boundary was partly destroyed by fire and partly by demolition work during the fire-fighting operation.
Modification drafts
From 1888 is John Fredr. Lindegren. Before the alteration, the plot had a residential building on its southern boundary, an outbuilding along the river, and a row of buildings on the western boundary, consisting of a residential section and an outbuilding section. The outbuilding along the river had two wider and one narrower room. Now the building was to be converted into a three-roomed, kitchen-detached dwelling. The kitchen was placed in the narrower part of the building and had its own front door. The rest of the frame was apparently to be slightly widened and a porch was to be added in front of the entrance.
The larger residential building had five rooms, a kitchen and a hallway. The building had two entrance porches. The residential part of the building on the western boundary of the plot had an entrance hall and a living room. The exterior part of the building contained a barn, stable and storeroom. Both residential buildings had new clapboard siding. The larger building had a more ornate Neo-Renaissance lining than the smaller one. Both had tripartite panelling. The attic zone in the larger building was divided into coffered surfaces. It was also subdivided by densely spaced decorative roof brackets. In the smaller building, the attic zone was smooth and divided only by the attic windows. In the larger building, the window lining was decorative and ended in a lily motif; in the smaller building, the window frame was formed by straight profiled mouldings. The windows of both buildings were cross-shaped. The drawing also shows a gateway. The gateway’s upper truss ended in a triangular pediment. The gate leaves were mirrored.
The next modification drawing is from 1906. This plan by Arvi Tuomokoski is an extension of the residential building on the eastern boundary of the plot with a room, kitchen and hallway. The 1908 modification drawing is by the same man, who now appears as Arvi Leikari. It shows that the conversion of the building by the river into residential use did not take place. The outbuilding was now to be replaced by an outbuilding of the same size, made entirely of board, but with false windows on the river front and, like the residential building, lined with horizontal boarding and structured by vertical mouldings.
In 1911, a new latrine was added to the building on the western boundary of the plot.
In 1931, two apartments were added to the roof of the residential building: one with a large room, kitchen and hallway, the other with a small room and kitchen.
Current situation
Residential building closest to Kuninkaankatu
Short-cornered residential building dating from 1821, later ribbed horizontal planking, saddle roof
Residential building on the eastern border
Long-cornered residential building from 1847, vertical boarded, saddle roof
External building
Vertical boarded exterior building with false windows facing the river (plan 1906, Arvi Leikari)
Reconstructed from the old model in 1992.