UNESCO World Heritage Sites


In 1756, the owner of the land is mentioned as a person named Lönberg. In 1800, it belonged to the magistrate Christian Paqvalin. John Taipelin, a goldsmith, also lived on the property. Both were poor.

Fire insurance

The plot belonged to the colleague and mayor Carl Crönholm Calsson when it was insured against fire in 1847. The neighbouring plot, Pungla-Baltsar, was also owned by the same person. The plan of the site, which is annexed to the fire insurance policy, shows that the plots were already a single entity at this stage. The bakery building on the adjacent plot had been demolished. The two outbuildings on the Apuli side extended onto the site of the demolished building.

The buildings insured as part of the Apuli were as follows:

The residential building along the Kauppakatu was built of new logs in 1817, with a single storey, boarded and painted with yellow oil paint on the street side and red paint on the other sides. The building had two chambers and two tiled stoves dating from 1846. The four windows in the house were six-paned, and there was one window, also six-paned, but slightly different in size. There were three windows in the attic, all of which were double-paned. The two doors between the rooms were semi-transparent, with paper wallpaper.

The angled building on the corner of Kauppakatu and Isopoikkikatu was also a residential building. It was built of new logs in 1830 and was lined and painted with oil paint on the roof sides and painted red on the courtyard side. It had an entrance hall, three chambers and a kitchen with an ovenless stove. There were five six-paned windows, one four-paned window and another of an unusual size. There were also five double-hung windows in the attic. There were four semi-transomed doors. There were also two board doors and a double door in the hallway. Above it was a window. Three of the rooms had paper wallpaper. Two of the tiled stoves were square with brown glazing and one was round. There were two chimneys.

The outbuilding on Isopoikkikatu was built in 1843 of new logs. It was boarded up on the street side and painted with oil paint, the other sides were painted with red paint in 1846. The building had three compartments for five horses and one colt, and a feed shed. There was a vaulted cellar under the building. The roof was made of boards. There were four windows in total, plus three false windows on the street side, which were six-paned glass windows. There were also four false windows to the attic, each with two panes. There was a single door to the barn and double doors of double board to the garage.

The new bakery building in the middle of the courtyard was built in 1841 of new logs. It was unplanked and painted red. The building had two chambers with tiled ovens and a baking room with a stove and a baking oven. There were five windows of spruce frames and one attic window. The doors were simple mirrored and board doors. There was a hatch to the attic. There was also a large board chalk on the northern boundary of the property. The driveway gate was painted with oil paint between the two residential buildings on the side facing Kauppakatu.

In 1865, the buildings were covered by the same insurance as the Pungla-Baltsar buildings. They had not undergone any significant changes.

In 1872, it was reported that a distillery had recently been built in a small residential building at the side of the gate. The factory room was completely plastered and the floor, ceiling and walls nearest the furnace were lined with metal sheets. The plant was considered to be particularly flammable. In addition, alcohol was stored in the commercial premises on the corner of the Pungla-Baltsar market square, so that insurance premiums had to be increased.

According to an 1887 insurance policy, the entire Apul street frontage had been altered in the same year, starting with the stone foundation, so that the building had to be considered new. Its architectural fittings were said to be in keeping with the requirements of the period. The building was lined, painted with oil paint and covered with felt. The building had five living rooms, a kitchen, a hallway, a shop, and two stores with an attic. The building also had a porch. Under the building was a brick cellar.

In 1888, the merchant Grönberg had sold the land and buildings of Apul to the merchant A. A. Nordberg, so the buildings were insured separately.

Modification drafts

Look Pungla-Baltsar

In 1991, a commercial building on Kauppakatu was converted into a bar.

Current situation

Streetside building
Long-cornered residential building, partly commercial, built during the years 1817, 1831, 1843, neo-renaissance lining, saddle roof, shop windows

Outdoor building
Outer building of plank and plastered brick, alteration 1897 (Onni von Zansen).