• Torin Kymppi

    A popular flea market that helps you not only to clean your house of unnecessary items but…

    Kuninkaankatu 25
  • DesignShop Piilo.

    DesignShop Piilo

    Small and cute design shop in the centre of Old Rauma. From Piilo you can find…

    Kauppakatu 10
  • Lasten Into Second Hand & Shop – Vanha Rauma

    A store for children’s clothes and other products in Old Rauma, which sells both new goods…

    Kuninkaankatu 26
  • Wanhan Rauman Putiikki TaruLiina

    A boutique that offers a selection of ecological Finnish products, interior design products and gifts as…

    Kuninkaankatu 21
  • Sisustustalo Kodinonni

    A large interior design shop that offers a wide selection of interior design products, and inspiration and…

    Kauppakatu 8
  • Koti-Vakka

    A shop specialized in interior design, fashion and gifts. Product range includes fabrics, home decoration textiles…

    Kauppakatu 9
  • Goldsmith Laiho

    In addition to the unique productions of the shop, Goldsmith Laiho offers traditional gold products as…

    Kuninkaankatu 13
  • Pikku Suutarin Sekatavarapuoti Shop

    The shop offers professional shoemaker services as well as ecological gifts and handicrafts.

    Kuninkaankatu 7
  • Pits-Priia, a bobbin lace store. Lace items on the wall and products on the shelves.


    The shop of Nyplääjät ry (Lacemakers Association) offers a wide selection of bobbin lace doilies, lace-making…

    Kauppakatu 29
  • Flea Market Retriika

    A clean and cosy flea market in an idyllic old storehouse building. Products of Valtava Kääpiö gift…

    Hakunintie 10
  • Logo of flea market Ratamakasiini.

    Flea Market Ratamakasiini

    From flea market Ratamakasiini you will find antique, design and decoration items, furniture, mats and other…

    Hakunintie 6
  • SST Shop

    Suomen Sairaalatukku’s (Finland’s Hospital Wholesaler) shop has a wide selection of various products for health care.

    Kuninkaankatu 15
  • Candles with leaf pattern.

    Liekkimeri Candle Shop

    Liekkimeri Candle Shop has been making candles by hand for 30 years. In addition, Liekkimeri makes…

    Hakunintie 10
  • Lykky Kirppis & Café

    Lykky Kirppis flea market is decorated with style and joy. Lykky Kirppis have also a cute…

    Peltivahe 3
  • Flea Market Lokki

    Run by Rauma Unemployed Association (Rauman Seudun Työttömät ry), Lokki-Kirppis flea market offers handicrafts made by…

    Satamakatu 2
  • Bakery's breads in a baskets.

    Bakery Vanhan Rauman leipäpuoti

    From Bakery Vanhan Rauman leipäpuoti you will find delicious breads and buns, which are baked with…

    Kuninkaankatu 21
  • Rauman Askarteluohjaus

    Rauman Askarteluohjaus is a versatile craft supplies speciality shop from where you will find traditional as…

    Valtakatu 9-11
  • Purkki Aitta shop in red wooden building.

    Purkki Aitta – open garden and craft shop

    Purkki Aitta is an unique handicraft shop located in an old building. The shop offers unique…

    Santtahkontie 1
  • Pouta 2nd hand shop

    Pouta 2nd hand

    Pouta 2nd hand is a modern second-hand clothing store located along the railway line, right in…

    Rautatienkatu 3b