
9.00-10.30 Lost ship dogs workshop
10.00–14.00 Handicraft workshop for children
10.00–17.00 Lace-making in Marela and Kirsti museums
10.00–18.00 Lace Week open yards and yard sales
10.00–18.00 Open doors at Wellness Friski
11.00–14.00 Macramé keychain workshop
11.00–18.00 Rauma Martha association’s traditional food café
12.00 Midday music moment
14.00–15.00 Artist meeting
14.00–18.00 Children’s stuffed toy clinic


17.00 Community singing event
17.00 National costume parade
17.30 Presentation of national costumes and performances by Fikuleeri children’s groups
20.00 Lace Week evening serenade