Art & Design Salme Kauppi
Art experiences and pop up coffee shop at KaikenKeskus
Art Mika Honkanen
Ceramic art Kirsi Backman
Gallery Sanna Saarinen
Gallery Tuula Kallas
Icon exhibition – St. Nicholas House of Prayer
Illuusio, Semper Augustus – Katariina Mannio
Inspira’s art exhibition at Nokan Torppa
Jarmo Mäkilä: ‘Poika’ exhibition
Jarmo Mäkilä: Poika exhibition’s satellite locations
Kerttu Horila’s studio exhibition and artist garden
Kuutti Lavonen and Auleen’s house
‘Oivalluksen ilo’ summer exhibition – Kirsi Backman
Studio Eila Minkkinen
Studio Heli Väisänen
Studio ‘Julkkis-Galleria’
Summer exhibition by Rauma Printmakers association
Summer exhibition of the Keramos ceramic association
Teuvo Salminen retrospective exhibition
Colorful painted paintings on the wall.
An artists workroom, with some artworks including a statue of a person and watercolor paintings
Hönttä Hilpurainen performing

Other sights to see

Daily program