• Tiilivuori cottage Sauna

    Tiilivuori cottage has many opportunities and accommodation for approximately 50 persons. In addition there is a…

    Tiilivuorentie 9
  • Linnanpiha Bed and breakfast Messi sauna.

    Linnanpiha ‘Messi’ Sauna

    Located in the courtyard of Hotel Raumanlinna, completely renovated sauna has room for 20–25 people. Food…

    Valtakatu 5
  • Juhla-Tallbo Sauna

    Juhla-Tallbo sauna facilities are located by the sea on the Petäjäksentie. The spacious sauna can accommodate…

    Petäjäksentie 178
  • Rauma city lakeside / seaside saunas

    The city of Rauma has seven lakeside/ seaside saunas and they are open for public from…

  • Rauma Bowling alley’s booking sauna

    Sauna and a cabinet for maximum of 25 people. The cabinet includes a tv, stereos, WiFi,…

    Valtakatu 15
  • Äijänsuo hockey stadium’s sauna lodge

    This Narvi sauna box can accommodate a group of 15 persons and approximately 10 in the…

    Nortamonkatu 23
  • Villa Rientola Sauna

    This spectacular seaside villa was already built in 1892 and has been restored to a new…

    Rientolantie 51
  • Kalamaja cottage in Nurmes.

    Kalamaja’s saunas in Nurmes island

    Kalamaja offers diverse opportunities in the nature and at the sea, as well as experiences with…

    Nurmes Mansikkakari
  • Four people in jacuzzi of Helmiranta.

    Helmiranta Sauna

    There are three saunas with a sea view in Helmiranta. From the saunas you can cool…

    Puuluntie 388
  • Pyykkallio Sauna

    Pyykkallio sauna is located by the Lake of Kaljasjärvi in Kodisjoki. The building has a kitchen…

    Saarentie 43
  • Sauna of the Ooperi Banquet and Sports House

    On the lower floor of the Ooperi, there are two sauna facilities with dressing rooms and…

    Vanha Turuntie 56
  • Sauna of the Hotel Kalliohovi.

    Hotel Kalliohovi’s saunas

    Hotel Kalliohovi has two saunas of different sizes. The larger sauna can accommodate 20 persons and…

    Kalliokatu 25
  • Kaaro Sauna

    This sauna has a cottage/mini kitchen + sauna and two dressing rooms. The cottage has 16…

    Kaarojärventie 109
  • Swimming pool of the Johtola sauna.

    Johtola Sauna

    This unique milieu has the atmosphere of cartridge time. The sauna can accommodate up to 10…

    Tikkalantie 5
  • Latumaja Sauna

    A modest yard sauna in the middle of a beautiful forest landscape on Tiilivuori. The sauna…

    Lemmenkujantie 61
  • Kallio's sauna benches.

    Sauna of Kallio

    Sauna is located in a stylish penthouse in Kalliokatu street. Spacious sauna is for 10 people.…

    Kalliokatu 32 B
  • Sauna of Haus Anna.

    Sauna of Haus Anna

    Sauna of Haus Anna is located in the city centre. Maximum capacity of the sauna is…

    Satamakatu 7
  • Sauna of Hakkarainen

    This sauna is located in the woods of Uotila. There is a spacious sauna section (for…

    Kotikuja 10
  • Merikylpylä saunas

    Located in the fabulous headland of Fåfänga, Merikylpylä saunas offer opportunities for relaxing on public or…

    Suvitie 4
  • Pyörä-Nurmi VIP-Lounge Sauna

    Shopping center “Potkur” has a stylish sauna for 6 persons in Pyörä-Nurmi shop’s agency premise. The…

    Kauppakeskus Potkur, Kauppakatu 3