Themed tours

Business tycoon Alfred Kordelin

A sailor’s son Alfred Kordelin was born in Rauma to a poor household. He tried to do some business early on but failed. After learning from his hardships, he eventually became a major landowner, businessman and a patron.

The Kordelin-themed walking tour takes place in Old Rauma and during the tour we’ll learn about Alfred’s interesting life. Alfred Kordelin’s chapel and crypt are situated in Rauma’s old cemetery and they will be visited during the tour if the chapel’s schedule permits.

Houses and their stories

Houses and their stories tour introduces the stories and tales of the buildings in Old Rauma and their former residents, while walking on the idyllic cobble stone streets.

In the footsteps of women in Old Rauma

Old Rauma walking tour that focuses on the tales of both influential and ordinary women.

Graveyard tour

The graveyard tour is carried out at the old graveyard of Rauma (Kaunisjärvenkatu). During the tour, the group gets to know graves of well-known individuals from Rauma. The memorials of the graveyard are a part of the history of Rauma and tell the younger generations about the past. The tour includes a visit to Alfred Kordelin’s cemetery chapel, if possible.

Christmas in Old Rauma

Old Rauma is a great destination for Christmas. A guided walking tour is the best way to discover the idyllic area. A walking tour is the best way to get a sense of the festive atmosphere in the area and to see the beautiful Christmas lights and decorations. Your guide will lead you through the narrow and winding alleys, telling you about the history and present day of this area of great cultural and historical value, not forgetting the Christmas traditions.

Character guides

A character guide, wearing a suitable outfit for the character, introduces Old Rauma. The guide can be for example a wife of a sailor or a member of a noble family, with whom the group travels back in time to see the life in Old Rauma hundreds of years ago. The tour is both entertaining and informative.